Tag Archives: chemical joke

Where can I buy that tshirt that says cummingtonite and is a chemical joke?

This is a very nerd and hillarious tshirt. The chemical symbol (Mg, Fe) 7 Si8 O22 (OH)2 is named Cummingtonite, which obviously has some sexual implications in its name.

It’s a simple joke and very nerdy stuff, but will make your friends and your date to laugh.

The tshirt is printed in the USA exclusively By Go All Out Screenprinting. It comes in several sizes and awesome colors.

This is a fun tshirt that will grab attention and people will start to ask questions and wil lead to a converstion. The cummingtonite tshirt catches attention and that is the purpose of this. Acquire your chemical tshirt joke wih Cummingtonite tonight!