Many of us that sleep with a couple, and that we wake up to different hours in the morning, should buy this amazing alarm clock that won’t disturb the sleep of our couple with annoying snooze delays.
This alarm clock does not only shkes you, but if you want, it has a loud alarm noise that can be adjusted. It has alert lights and the tone is also adjustable.
The snooze defuse is a must in any clock, but you need this clock for couples if you wake at different times. It has a battery backup in case of a blackout. And you can test the alarm clock to make sure it is setup properly to your needs before going to bed.
It’s an amazing vibrating alarm and you can get it right now from Amazon store. You won’t disturb your couple, and as it vibrates, you can still push hat snooze button and delay it for five more minutes.
Buy this alarm for couples, and save your marriage!