Where can I buy fake seat belts?

Fake seat belts

Matt wrote to us asking if we knew any place to buy fake seat belts. We thought this was a really bad idea, and we replied to him saying we won’t help him because we don’t believe this is safe and we recommended him to use the seat belt.

He then told us that he only drives in the countryside and he has to make multiple stops to get out and in several times, putting weight in the copilot seat and that the chiming was awful to work with all day. He convinced us and we found this fake seat belts that you can plug in almost any car model there is.

There is not much to explain. These are just seat belt plugs that you can use in your car and the car will believe you put it on.

Please, for your safety, do not use these while driving. Always use the car seat belt properlly!

But if you still want them, you can buy them for $7

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